전체 글222 5067 Emerald Island Drive Carrara QLD 4211 https://www.domain.com.au/5067-emerald-island-drive-carrara-qld-4211-2017863757?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI8fWJ19uy_QIV0nwrCh01ng1qEAAYASAAEgL94fD_BwE 5067 Emerald Island Drive, Carrara QLD 4211 | Domain 6 bedroom house for Sale at 5067 Emerald Island Drive, Carrara QLD 4211. View property photos, floor plans, local school catchments & lots more on Domain.com.au. 2017863757 www.domain.com.au 2023. 3. 2. [WEEK1] Saturated Hydrocarbons Learning Content Part 1: Organic Chemistry: History and Scope. The Carbon Atom: Bonding and Shape Learning outcomes Know that organic chemistry is the chemistry of carbon compounds and that the bonding in organic compounds is mostly covalent Have a basic understanding of typical properties of organic, compared to inorganic compounds Be aware of the concept of functional groups in organic chemist.. 2023. 3. 1. [WEEK3] Cardiac function and Blood Pressure Learning Content Module 1.3 Cardiac Function and Blood Pressure 1.3.a. Determinants of cardiac output In this topic we will look at heart rate and stroke volume and the factors that influence these parameters and how they impact on cardiac output. Learning Outcomes Define cardiac output and the parameters (HR &SV) that influence CO Describe how CO is changed during exercise and how blood distrib.. 2023. 2. 27. [WEEK2] Blood Vessels Learning content Module 1.2 Blood Vessels 1.2.a. Functional anatomy of arteries In this topic we will learn the main characteristics of arteries and investigate the histological structure of arteries. We will look at the different types of arteries found in the body, and we will look at the different abnormalities that may develop in arteries. We will also learn the names of the major arteries i.. 2023. 2. 27. [WEEK1] The cardiovascular overview Learning content Module 1.1 The Cardiovascular System overview 1.1.a. Cardiovascular system overview and functional anatomy of the heart In this topic we will learn about the anatomy of the heart and the major vessels entering and leaving the heart. This topic will also include important structures of the heart which includes the heart valves (and how they work) and the different layers that mak.. 2023. 2. 27. Carrara Market, Goldcoast 브렌다랑 같이갈까하다가 요즘은 사람들만나기보다 혼자있는 시간이 더 행복해서 그냥 혼자 자전거 타고 갔다왔다 (사실 같이가면 자전거말고 대중교통을 이용해야하는데 자전거가 타고 싶기도 했다) 자전거를 3시간씩 탄적은 있어도 집주변으로 이렇게 네모 저렇게 네모나게 타기만 했지 이렇게 편도거리를 멀리까지 갔다온거는 처음이다 자전거 타는 거 너무 좋다 바람쐬는거 좋아하고 기름값 부담없고 자유롭고 나는 속도를 즐기는 타입아니라서 전동도 제일 약하게 하고 달린다 안전제일 안전제일 외치면서 경치구경하는게 좋다 (5까지 모터 사용할수있는데 1로하고 달리는거 좋아한다 가끔씩 차들한테 민폐끼칠까봐 최저속도 준수하려고 3하는거 말고는 딱히..) 그리고 오늘 느낀게 아빠한테 운전 정말 잘배웠구나 싶다 비록 자전거지만 아빠가 계.. 2023. 2. 26. 이전 1 ··· 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 ··· 37 다음 반응형