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Griffith college Tri3 202263

WEEK1 - Topic 1&2 TOPIC 1 * Scientific Notation scientific notation decimal notation/ordinary notation * Measurement and Significant figures Signigicant figures = ALL certain digit + ONE uncertaint digit Significant figures -> 1. exact numbers (exact numbers can have infinite significant figures) (ex) 5 apples 처럼 countable 한거, 1km=1000m 와 같은 경우는 EXACT numbers 이고 INFINITE 한 s.f 을 가질 수 있음 2. Non-zero digits 3. Zero.. 2022. 10. 23.
WEEK0 - Intro https://human.biodigital.com/explore Human Anatomy and Disease in Interactive 3D | BioDigital Human Platform human.biodigital.com https://anatomyzone.com/ AnatomyZone - Your Guide to Human Anatomy AnatomyZone is the leading resource for simple and concise 3D anatomy tutorials, with over 200 videos and a new range of interactive 3D anatomy models. anatomyzone.com Anatomic section & planes Regiona.. 2022. 10. 22.
WEEK1- module 1. Cell structure and function Know the names and compositions of the 3 important biological molecules described There are carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins. Describe the major differences between prokaryotes and eukaryotes Prokaryotes are a unicellular structure which means they don't have any membrane-bound organelles. However, Eukaryotes have membrane-bound organelles including nuclei, mitochondri.. 2022. 10. 21.
[Headstart] Learning & Technology CONTENTS 4.1 Introduction to Academic Research 4.2 Identifying Scholarly Sources 4.3 Citing Others' Work 4.4 Paraphrasing Ideas 4.5 Referencing Others' Work 4.6 Summative Assessment Task 4.7 Staying Connected 4.1 Introduction to Academic Research -Look for keywords : You will know what ideas and information you need to research. (synonyms 도 찾아본다) -Examine how many parts there are to the topic (a.. 2022. 10. 14.