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Griffith college Tri3 202263

WEEK2 - Essay 과제 설명 -draft 여러개 써볼것 -메인 아이디어는 malaria 이고 그 malaria 에 기후변화거 어떻게 영향을 주느냐 -draft 1개정도는 아만다한테 보내서 검사맡아도 됨 -student learning advisor 찬스 이용하기 -한 reference 에서 여러 문장을 쓰게 되는 경우 각 문장마다 reference를 달아야 함 -more than 1 reference 에서는 첫번째꺼 추천 -strong author ship 은 you want the readers to know the author 하는 경우에 사용 -이번 과제에서는 direct quotes 쓰지 말것 -turnitin 꼭 해볼 것 -peer reviewed journal less than 10 years -Statistics les.. 2022. 11. 2.
WEEK2 Learning content 1. Measures of Population Health https://youtu.be/03sDBEXP-JQ Crude health indicators -maternal mortality : during and following pregnancy and childbirth -> most are preventable and treatable but inequality over the world is reflected between rich countries and poor -Infant and child mortality : Infant mortality rate (IMR) is death per 1000 live births of children (under 1 year/.. 2022. 11. 2.
WEEK2 - Skeletal system (2) learning contents Part 2: The Skeletal System Topic 1.3: The Appendicular Skeleton The appendicular skeleton includes all bones of the upper and lower limbs, plus the bones of the pectoral and pelvic girdles that attach each limb to the axial skeleton. There are 126 bones in the appendicular skeleton of an adult. The lower portion of the appendicular skeleton is specialized for stability during walking or running.. 2022. 11. 2.
WEEK1 - Skeletal system (1) resources + notes 1.1a: Tissues and Bone Development (Part A) https://youtu.be/f8N1YX0TKwk 1.1b: Tissues and Bone Development (Part B) https://youtu.be/INHjVK47oFQ 1.2a: The Axial Skeleton: The Skull https://youtu.be/PcnYVTZpOMI 1.2b: The Axial Skeleton: The Vertebral Column https://youtu.be/IShGXkA2xn8 RANDOMLY ORDERED NOTES (1.1a,1.1b,1.2a,1.2b) 형광펜 칠한 부분은 좀 더 찾아보기 *thoracic cavity -> pleural cavities, pericard.. 2022. 10. 29.