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WEEK6 - module 3. Structure of the neuron, the RMP Learning objectives Describe the functions of sensory, motor and interneurons Describe the organization of the nervous system,in brief Review the different parts of a neuron and what they do Describe the structures and functions of glial cells, in brief Review the differences in distribution of key ions and proteins between the intracellular and extracellular compartments Understand the distribu.. 2022. 11. 26.
WEEK6 - CNS https://youtu.be/WNEUejpz3A4 https://youtu.be/WUQay1EEhgQ https://youtu.be/aDous4uAv6Y https://youtu.be/qeMH_qH6Jgs https://youtu.be/fcDfQZ4Z_uc https://youtu.be/eakL-xHwWL4 https://youtu.be/UjuwEGoa25k https://youtu.be/KnD16gwpCz8 https://youtu.be/MXARAn1avCk https://youtu.be/pDOqmq0A_lg 2022. 11. 23.
LAB EXAM - ppt3,4 OSMOSIS Factors that affect the rate of diffusion !!! 1. concentration gradient 2. mass of molecules 3. temperature 4. permeability of membrane 5. density of solvent 6. solubility 7. surface area 8. distance travelled *Oncotic pressure = colloid osmotic pressure Osmotic pressure created by the proteins in your blood Microorganism -Coccus -Diplococci -Staphylococci -Streptococci -Sarcina -Tetrad .. 2022. 11. 23.
LAB EXAM - ppt1,2 ppt1 (microscope) ppt2 Epithelial -squamous (simple, stratified) -cuboidal (simple, stratified) -columnar (simple, stratified)lam -pseudostratified columnar Muscle -skeletal muscle -smooth muscle -cardiac muscle Connective -proper (loose-areolar, reticular, adipose/ dense-regular,irregular,elastic) -bone -blood -cartilage angiogenesis = the development of new blood vessels coagulation =the actio.. 2022. 11. 23.