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Griffith college Tri3 202263

LAB EXAM - ppt3,4 OSMOSIS Factors that affect the rate of diffusion !!! 1. concentration gradient 2. mass of molecules 3. temperature 4. permeability of membrane 5. density of solvent 6. solubility 7. surface area 8. distance travelled *Oncotic pressure = colloid osmotic pressure Osmotic pressure created by the proteins in your blood Microorganism -Coccus -Diplococci -Staphylococci -Streptococci -Sarcina -Tetrad .. 2022. 11. 23.
LAB EXAM - ppt1,2 ppt1 (microscope) ppt2 Epithelial -squamous (simple, stratified) -cuboidal (simple, stratified) -columnar (simple, stratified)lam -pseudostratified columnar Muscle -skeletal muscle -smooth muscle -cardiac muscle Connective -proper (loose-areolar, reticular, adipose/ dense-regular,irregular,elastic) -bone -blood -cartilage angiogenesis = the development of new blood vessels coagulation =the actio.. 2022. 11. 23.
WEEK6- Topic 8&9 REDOX reaction INTRO OXIDATION NUMBERS REDOX REACTIONS BALANCING REDOX REACTIONS ox, reduc 따로 쓰기 계수/갯수부터 맞추기 ( 그냥, 혹은 H2O, H+ 사용해서 ) 전하 맞추기 (+e-) ox, reduc 전자수 맞춰서 식 하나로 나타내기 Stoichiometry and Calculations (Moles) Stoichiometry and Calculations (Mass) Limiting Reactants Theoretical Yield, Actual Yield and Percent Yield 2022. 11. 23.
Cell juctions CELL JUNCTIONS 1. Gap juction : transporting ions.. 2. Adherence juction : support structure, stick cells to each other 3. Tight juction : limit the passage of molecules and ions through the surface of between cells TIGHT JUNCTIONS They consist of a network of claudins and other protiens. They limit the passage of molecules and ions through the surface between cells. So most materials must actua.. 2022. 11. 21.