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Griffith college Tri3 202263

WEEK8 Week 8 Learning Content Health is created and lived by people within the settings of their everyday life; where they learn, work, play and love. Health is created by ensuring that the society one lives in creates conditions that allow the attainment of health by all it’s member. Often times, home and workplace settings can have a negative impact on an individuals health. That being said, setting.. 2022. 12. 13.
WEEK9&10- Endocrine System GLANDS 1. hypothalamus - production of ADH, oxytocin, regulating hormones 2. pituitary gland - anterior lobe, posterior lobe 3. thyroid- T3,T4, calcitonin 4. parathyroid - prathyroid hormone 5. thymus -thymusin, undergoes atrophy during adult hood 6. pineal gland - melatonin 7. heart - naturetic peptides 8. digestive tract - gastrin, secretin, somatostatin, CCK, GIP, VIP 9. adrenal gland -adrena.. 2022. 12. 13.
WEEK8 - Topic 10 VIDEO 1: GENERAL PROPERTIES OF LIQUIDS *Vapor pressure = pressure exerted by a vapor in equilibrium with its liquid phase *(If tempertature increases, vapor pressure increases) *(= 온도가 올라가서 액체상태의 분자들이 활발하게 움직이게 되고 분자들이 증발하려고 할때, 액체상태에 머무르게 하도록 누루는 vapor pressure도 증가하게 된다) *Boiling point is the temperature where the vapour pressure of a liquid is equal to the external pressure above the liquid. *.. 2022. 12. 10.
WEEK8 - module 3. The Synapse Electrical synapse -> fast but there are no control Leak channel -> RMP Voltage gated channel -> transmit AP Chemically gated channel -> EXCITATORY Na+ come in INHIBITORY K+ release Cl- come in Fire an action potential or not -> Summation of all the signals decide Memory : if we keep firing the neuron and release NT, Post synaptic neuron develop and build more receptors : a set of neural pathway.. 2022. 12. 9.