Griffith college Tri3 2022/1014MSC (CTR)15 LAB EXAM - ppt3,4 OSMOSIS Factors that affect the rate of diffusion !!! 1. concentration gradient 2. mass of molecules 3. temperature 4. permeability of membrane 5. density of solvent 6. solubility 7. surface area 8. distance travelled *Oncotic pressure = colloid osmotic pressure Osmotic pressure created by the proteins in your blood Microorganism -Coccus -Diplococci -Staphylococci -Streptococci -Sarcina -Tetrad .. 2022. 11. 23. LAB EXAM - ppt1,2 ppt1 (microscope) ppt2 Epithelial -squamous (simple, stratified) -cuboidal (simple, stratified) -columnar (simple, stratified)lam -pseudostratified columnar Muscle -skeletal muscle -smooth muscle -cardiac muscle Connective -proper (loose-areolar, reticular, adipose/ dense-regular,irregular,elastic) -bone -blood -cartilage angiogenesis = the development of new blood vessels coagulation =the actio.. 2022. 11. 23. WEEK5 - module2. Diffusion, Osmosis and Active Transport Learning Objective Describe the major body fluid compartments of the body Understand the major differences in composition of interstitial fluid & ICF Understand that plasma membranes separate ECF from ICF Understand that blood plasma, a special ECF compartment, influences interstitial fluid which in turn influences ICF Be able to describe how it is that 1 M NaCl generates an approx. 2 Osmolar so.. 2022. 11. 17. WEEK4 - module2. The integumentary system Learning objectives Be able to list and describe the functions of the various structures that make up the integumentary system Your integumentary system is your body's outer layer. It consists of your skin, hair, nails and glands. These organs and structures are your first line of defense against bacteria and help protect you from injury and sunlight. Your integumentary system works with other s.. 2022. 11. 14. 이전 1 2 3 4 다음 반응형