Griffith college Tri1 2023/1005 QBT (GnD)11 [WEEK3] Part 1 Mendelian Genetics Learning objectives Distinguish between the following pairs of terms: dominant and recessive; heterozygous and homozygous; genotype and phenotype. When there's true breeding between parental generation (RR x rr) , the trait that disappears is called recessive and the trait appears to every offspring is called dominant. (Dominant gene is shown as phenotype even if it is heterozygous and the reces.. 2023. 3. 16. [WEEK2] Part2 Meiosis LEARNING OBJECTIVES Explain why humans resemble their parents but are not identical to them They receive genes from each of their parents, so they resemble to their parents. However, during meiosis chromosomes from each parents align randomly in metaphase 1 and crossing over happens during prophase1. This makes the variation in genes in gametes. And also the millions of gametes fertilise so the .. 2023. 3. 15. [WEEK1] Part1 Mitosis Learning objective Describe in detail the genomes of prokaryotes and eukaryotes. Genome is the total sum of genetic material (All of DNA). The prokaryotic genomes are mostly single circular chromosomes. Eukaryotic genomes consist of one or two sets of linear chromosomes confined to the nucleus. Define telomeres, chromatids, centromeres, chromatin, heterochromatin and euchromatin -Telomere: the e.. 2023. 3. 2. 이전 1 2 3 다음 반응형