영어/유튜브로 영어공부23 More than I'm used to 무엇이 '그냥 많다.' 가 아니라 '내가 익숙한 양 보다 많다.' '그래서 불편했다. '라는 뉘앙스 I worked for a large company for many years, so I'm very used to working within a team following protocols. But now, I'm working by myself and there is so much more decision-making than I'm used to, which can be quite nerve-racking. I went to an all boys middle school and high school and I have two brothers. No sisters. You know how it is i.. 2022. 10. 5. 선물 주고 받을 때 "별거 아니지만 받아." / "포장은 못 했어." It's not much, but here. 별거 아니지만 받아 You really didn't have to. You really shouldn't have. 이런 걸 또 왜 준비했어? I know, but I really want to give it to you. I know but I really want to get you something. I know but I really want you to have it. 알지, 근데 주고 싶었어. Sorry, I didn't have time to wrap it. 시간이 없어서 포장은 못했어 Wow, it's a planner. I love it. Thank you ! ( I was meaning to get one./ I really needed on.. 2022. 10. 5. It's not a matter of if, it's a matter of when. It's not a matter of if, it's a matter of when. It's no longer a matter of it, it's a matter of when. (= There's no doubt about that. Of course.) Do you think the squid game will come out with season two? Oh yeah, There is no official release date yet. But it's on its way. So, It's no longer matter of if, it's a matter of when. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KGGjAJPbSQ8&list=WL&index=17 2022. 10. 5. 계획에 대해서 다양하게 말하기 연습 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fyUAE6koJHE&list=WL&index=16 현재진행형 : 그 계획에 있어서 이미 준비중 I'm thinking of : ~할 생각이야 have someone R : someone 이 R 하게 하다 stay over : 하루밤 묵다 probably 현재진행 : 아마 ~하겠지? might R : 할 수 도 있고? 이미 다 아는 내용이지만 연습을 통해서 완전한 내 것으로 만든다 ! 2022. 10. 5. 이전 1 2 3 4 5 6 다음 반응형